The Network among Sentential Co-Occurrences

of Noun Phrases in "Kalevala"

By the DH in Estonia 2016 Conference Team

In [2]:
from IPython.display import HTML

function code_toggle() {
 if (code_show){
 } else {
 code_show = !code_show
$( document ).ready(code_toggle);
<form action="javascript:code_toggle()"><input type="submit" value="Click here to toggle on/off the raw code."></form>''')

Importing Python Modules

In [1]:
import random
import nltk
import codecs
from textblob import TextBlob
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from collections import Counter
import imp
from ipywidgets import widgets
import warnings

%matplotlib inline 
%load_ext autoreload

I. Importing the Text of Kalevala

In [2]:
filename = 'Kalevala.txt'
titlename = "Kalevala"

f =, "r", encoding="utf-8").readlines()

num_lines = 0
num_words = 0
num_chars = 0
for line in f:
    words = line.split()
    num_lines += 1
    num_words += len(words)
    num_chars += len(line)
print "%s has number of words = %i (and number of characters/symbols = %i)" %(titlename,num_words,num_chars)
# print "%s has number of words = %i" %(titlename,num_words)
blob = TextBlob("\n".join(f))
Kalevala has number of words = 136388 (and number of characters/symbols = 877358)

II. Extracting the Most Frequent Noun Phrases in Kalevala

In [3]:
In [4]:
for sen in all_sents:
    for np in dd['noun_phrases']:

df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["%s Noun Phrases" %titlename, "Frequencies"])
for l,v in occurdic.items(): 

print "The total number of noun phrases in %s is %i." %(titlename,len(df))#len(npA))
df.sort(["Frequencies"], ascending=[0])

cut = 90
df = df[df['Frequencies']>cut].sort(["Frequencies"], ascending=[0])
print "The total number of noun phrases in %s with frequencies > %i is %i." %(titlename,cut,len(df))#len(npA))
df.sort(["Frequencies"], ascending=[0])
The total number of noun phrases in Kalevala is 8065.
The total number of noun phrases in Kalevala with frequencies > 90 is 19.
Kalevala Noun Phrases Frequencies
6153 wainamoinen 457.0
3870 northland 346.0
6167 lemminkainen 298.0
1548 spake 252.0
234 ilmarinen 250.0
1309 thou 233.0
305 never 214.0
6599 pohyola 193.0
1403 kalevala 145.0
2896 ukko 134.0
6588 quick 118.0
5730 thereupon 115.0
3120 tuoni 113.0
2407 wainola 111.0
4649 till 97.0
2242 sun 96.0
6918 louhi 96.0
4382 who 95.0
2455 sariola 95.0
In [5]:
excluded = ['thou','spake','never','thereupon','quick','till','who']
In [6]:
%autoreload 2

# excluded = ['who','will','exactly','enough','shall','suppose','well']
for k in df["Kalevala Noun Phrases"].tolist(): #df["Plato's Phaedrus Noun Phrases"].tolist():
    if k not in excluded:
        selectedTerms[k] = k.capitalize()

# tool= imp.load_source('tools', utilsdir+'/')
import tools as tool
# print len(sec_prot.nodes()), sec_prot.nodes()
# dfst.sort_values(by='Frequencies').sort(["Frequencies"], ascending=[0])


cuts = 1
prot_pol_sub = prot_pol_sub[prot_pol_sub['#_of_protagonists']>cuts]
# lp = prot_pol_sub['protagonists'].tolist()
# lpn = []
# control_dic={}
# for i in lp:
#     for j in i:
#         lpn.append(j)
#         if j not in control_dic:
#             print j,'0, 1, 2'
#             control_dic[j]=int(raw_input())
# # print lpn
# # print control_dic
# # len(set(lpn))
# for nd in sec_prot.nodes():
#     if nd not in control_dic:
#         continue
#     dici=sec_prot.node[nd]
#     sec_prot.add_node(nd,attr_dic=dici,type=control_dic[nd])
print "The total number of sentences in %s with at least %i selected noun phrases in each one of them is %i." %(titlename,cuts+1,len(prot_pol_sub))
prot_pol_sub.sort(["#_of_selected_noun_phrases"], ascending=[0]) #.drop('sentence_id', 1)
ddff = prot_pol_sub.drop('sentence_id', 1) = 'sentence_id'
The total number of sentences in Kalevala with at least 2 selected noun phrases in each one of them is 488.
list_of_selected_noun_phrases #_of_selected_noun_phrases polarity subjectivity
47 [Louhi, Sun] 2.0 0.000000 0.000000
49 [Sun, Wainamoinen] 2.0 0.000000 0.000000
126 [Sariola, Sun] 2.0 0.035354 0.414141
127 [Lemminkainen, Ukko] 2.0 0.400000 0.900000
130 [Wainamoinen, Ukko] 2.0 0.000000 0.000000
131 [Sun, Ukko] 2.0 0.365179 0.702679
134 [Louhi, Kalevala, Wainamoinen, Pohyola] 4.0 -0.087500 0.506944
138 [Sun, Northland] 2.0 0.400000 0.700000
142 [Sun, Lemminkainen] 2.0 0.066667 0.466667
171 [Louhi, Kalevala, Pohyola] 3.0 0.488889 0.444444
182 [Northland, Wainamoinen] 2.0 0.283333 0.525000
229 [Sariola, Tuoni, Kalevala, Wainola] 4.0 0.350000 0.244444
241 [Tuoni, Wainamoinen] 2.0 0.168333 0.411667
286 [Ilmarinen, Lemminkainen, Wainamoinen] 3.0 0.125000 0.550000
287 [Kalevala, Wainamoinen] 2.0 0.237500 0.475000
369 [Ilmarinen, Lemminkainen, Wainamoinen] 3.0 0.083333 0.216667
371 [Wainola, Pohyola] 2.0 0.100000 0.722222
374 [Ilmarinen, Wainamoinen] 2.0 0.054545 0.648485
420 [Ilmarinen, Northland, Wainamoinen, Kalevala] 4.0 -0.100000 0.350000
435 [Sun, Wainamoinen] 2.0 0.121429 0.385714
502 [Northland, Pohyola] 2.0 0.700000 0.900000
506 [Northland, Wainamoinen] 2.0 0.183333 0.300000
528 [Northland, Kalevala] 2.0 0.533333 0.400000
531 [Kalevala, Wainamoinen, Wainola] 3.0 -0.117857 0.564286
532 [Northland, Wainamoinen] 2.0 0.033333 0.800000
533 [Kalevala, Northland, Wainola] 3.0 0.385714 0.557143
534 [Northland, Wainamoinen, Wainola] 3.0 0.090000 0.900000
540 [Kalevala, Wainola] 2.0 -0.010000 0.213333
541 [Kalevala, Wainamoinen] 2.0 0.031481 0.296296
553 [Northland, Wainamoinen] 2.0 0.042708 0.651190
... ... ... ... ...
3626 [Louhi, Wainola, Pohyola] 3.0 0.800000 0.750000
3627 [Northland, Wainamoinen] 2.0 0.000000 0.000000
3629 [Northland, Wainamoinen] 2.0 0.250000 0.466667
3631 [Louhi, Northland, Pohyola] 3.0 0.400000 0.900000
3638 [Northland, Pohyola] 2.0 -0.250000 1.000000
3639 [Louhi, Sun, Northland, Wainamoinen] 4.0 0.183333 0.383333
3640 [Sun, Northland, Pohyola] 3.0 -0.180556 0.611111
3641 [Sun, Wainamoinen, Pohyola] 3.0 0.000000 0.000000
3646 [Louhi, Wainamoinen] 2.0 0.050000 0.700000
3647 [Sun, Wainola, Pohyola] 3.0 0.550000 0.625000
3652 [Wainamoinen, Pohyola] 2.0 -0.187500 0.500000
3657 [Lemminkainen, Wainamoinen] 2.0 0.000000 0.000000
3659 [Lemminkainen, Wainamoinen] 2.0 0.050000 0.450000
3662 [Ilmarinen, Sun, Wainamoinen, Pohyola] 4.0 0.375000 0.775000
3663 [Ilmarinen, Wainamoinen] 2.0 0.321429 0.658929
3664 [Louhi, Ilmarinen, Northland, Wainola, Pohyola] 5.0 0.300000 0.350000
3667 [Ilmarinen, Northland] 2.0 0.500000 1.000000
3670 [Louhi, Sariola] 2.0 0.375000 0.500000
3671 [Louhi, Sariola, Sun, Pohyola] 4.0 0.144444 0.488889
3672 [Ilmarinen, Kalevala, Wainola] 3.0 0.000000 0.000000
3675 [Sun, Pohyola] 2.0 0.013889 0.222222
3676 [Ilmarinen, Kalevala] 2.0 0.406667 0.540000
3677 [Sun, Wainamoinen] 2.0 0.375000 0.500000
3678 [Sun, Northland, Wainamoinen] 3.0 0.471875 0.587500
3737 [Kalevala, Ukko] 2.0 0.308333 0.383333
3740 [Sun, Northland, Ukko] 3.0 0.116667 0.516667
3741 [Sun, Wainola] 2.0 0.150000 0.516667
3748 [Northland, Wainamoinen] 2.0 -0.100000 0.600000
3753 [Northland, Wainola] 2.0 0.675000 1.000000
3756 [Kalevala, Wainamoinen] 2.0 0.144444 0.500000

488 rows × 4 columns

In [7]:
# from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import zoomed_inset_axes
# from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import mark_inset

# ndfl=dflines[dflines['#_of_protagonists']>0  ]

# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[12, 10])
# axes2 = zoomed_inset_axes(ax, 6, loc=5)  # zoom = 6

# dflines['#_of_protagonists'].plot.hist(ax=ax)

# ax.set_xlabel('#_of_Characters')
# ax.set_ylabel('Frequency')
# ax.set_title('Histogram of # of noun phrases')

# x1, x2, y1, y2 = 2.9, 3., 0, 25
# axes2.set_xlim(x1, x2)
# axes2.set_ylim(y1, y2)
# ndfl['#_of_protagonists'].plot.hist(ax=axes2)
# axes2.set_ylabel('Frequency')

# mark_inset(ax, axes2, loc1=2, loc2=4, fc="none", ec="0.5")
# axes3 = zoomed_inset_axes(ax, 6, loc=10)

# x1, x2, y1, y2 = 2, 2.05, 0, 50
# axes3.set_xlim(x1, x2)
# axes3.set_ylim(y1, y2)
# ndfl['#_of_protagonists'].plot.hist(ax=axes3)
# axes3.set_ylabel('Frequency')

# mark_inset(ax, axes3, loc1=2, loc2=4, fc="none", ec="0.5")

In [8]:
%autoreload 2

sstt="%s Two-Mode Network of Sentences and Selected Noun Phrases" %titlename
# pos=DefaultDict
nds=[nd for nd in sec_prot.nodes() if isinstance(nd,int)]
prot=[nd for nd in sec_prot.nodes() if nd not in nds]
# ncont=dict(control_dic)
# print ncont
# ncont[u'Midas']=0
# prot.append('Midas')
# protag=[nd for nd in prot if int(ncont[nd])==0 ]
# pos={nd:{0:0,1:0} for nd in sec_prot}
# nprotag=[nd for nd in prot if  int(ncont[nd])==1 or int(ncont[nd])==2]
# print protag
# print nprotag
for en,nd in enumerate(nds):
    if en<len(nds)/2.:
for en ,nd in enumerate(prot):
# for en ,nd in enumerate(protag):
#     pos[nd][0]=.5
#     pos[nd][1]=en*1./len(protag)
# for en ,nd in enumerate(nprotag):
#     pos[nd][0]=-.5
#     pos[nd][1]=en*1./len(nprotag)
# print pos    
In [9]:

III. Constructing the Network of Sententially Co-Occurring Noun Phrases in Kalevala

In [10]:
%autoreload 2

plist = prot_pol_sub['list_of_selected_noun_phrases'].tolist()

# G = tool.make_graph_from_lists(plist,pplist,nplist,splist)
# an thes to palio to apo pano
G = tool.make_graph_from_lists_log(plist,pplist,nplist,splist)

# print G.nodes(data=True)
# for nd in G.nodes():
#     G.add_node(nd,type=control_dic[nd])
# nodescolor={}
# npos={}
# d=40
# for nd in G.nodes():
#     opos=posg[nd]

#     if nd in protag:
#         nodescolor[nd]='r'
#         npos[nd]=[opos[0],opos[1]-d]
#     else:
#         nodescolor[nd]='g'
#         npos[nd]=[opos[0],opos[1]+d]
# npos={v:k for v,k in pos.items() if v in G}        

# sstt="%s Network of Selected Noun Phrases \n(Assortativity coefficient of Persons - Entities = %.4f)" %(titlename,nx.attribute_assortativity_coefficient(G,'type'))
sstt="%s Network of Selected Noun Phrases \n(Sentences colored in polarity)" %titlename
                   with_edgecolor=True,edgecolor='polarity',colormat='Blues') #npos ,node_col=nodescolor False

# possit=tool.draw_network(G,sstt,pos=posg,with_edgewidth=False,withLabels=True,labfs=15,valpha=0.2,ealpha=0.7,labelfont=15,
#                    with_edgecolor=True,edgecolor='polarity',colormat='Blues') #npos ,node_col=nodescolor False
In [11]:
sstt="%s Network of Selected Noun Phrases \n(Sentences colored in subjectivity)" %titlename

IV. Centralities of Nodes in the Network of Sententially Co-Occurring Noun Phrases in Kalevala

In [14]:

The table of Centralities of Nodes in the Network of Sententially Co-Occurring Noun Phrases in Kalevala

In [13]:
for i,k in centrali.items():
# dfc
# dfc.insert(0,'Nodes',centrali[centrali.keys()[0]].keys())
dfc.columns=['Nodes','Closeness_Centrality', 'Katz_Centrality','Betweenness_Centrality', 'PageRank', 'Eigenvector_Centrality','Degree_Centrality']

# cols = list(dfc.columns.values)
# print "Centralities of nodes of %s sorted by closeness and betweenness centralities:" %name 
# print
dfc.sort(['Betweenness_Centrality','Closeness_Centrality'], ascending=[0,0])
Nodes Degree_Centrality Closeness_Centrality Betweenness_Centrality Eigenvector_Centrality Katz_Centrality PageRank
14 Kalevide 0.714286 0.777778 0.388278 0.590116 -0.099263 0.209528
9 Kalev 0.642857 0.736842 0.304029 0.317680 -0.189511 0.111678
4 Finnish 0.214286 0.560000 0.142857 0.066242 -0.145640 0.059073
8 Sarvik 0.500000 0.636364 0.113553 0.343092 -0.131465 0.084322
10 Esthonia 0.357143 0.583333 0.053114 0.226763 0.313355 0.055613
3 Alevide 0.357143 0.583333 0.018315 0.257093 -0.301661 0.056390
0 Põrgu 0.214286 0.500000 0.009158 0.066157 0.529898 0.028616
6 Finland 0.285714 0.560000 0.003663 0.333458 0.136168 0.071606
1 Olev 0.214286 0.500000 0.000000 0.270035 -0.284899 0.051370
7 Old woman 0.142857 0.500000 0.000000 0.021599 0.145424 0.020509
11 Taara 0.142857 0.482759 0.000000 0.176304 0.019232 0.035868
2 Salme 0.214286 0.466667 0.000000 0.134895 0.116163 0.049501
12 Tühi 0.142857 0.466667 0.000000 0.081280 0.542074 0.028285
13 Linda 0.214286 0.466667 0.000000 0.254018 -0.082157 0.091775
5 Esthonian 0.071429 0.368421 0.000000 0.043090 -0.102180 0.045865

V. Communities of Nodes in the Network of Sententially Co-Occurring Noun Phrases in Kalevala

In [16]:
%autoreload 2


sstta="The %s Communities of %s Network of Selected Noun Phrases" %(max(part.values())+1,titlename)#sstt)

tool.draw_comms(G,G.nodes(),[],[],[] ,part,part,d,dd,c,cc,alpha,ealpha,nodper,sstta,titlefont=20,labelfont=17,valpha=0.5)
Number of communities of Kalevala Network of Selected Noun Phrases 
(Sentences colored in subjectivity) = 2
Community partition of Kalevala Network of Selected Noun Phrases 
(Sentences colored in subjectivity):
[[u'Sariola', u'Ilmarinen', u'Louhi', u'Lemminkainen', u'Northland', u'Pohyola', u'Tuoni'], [u'Sun', u'Kalevala', u'Ukko', u'Wainamoinen', u'Wainola']]
Community modularity of Kalevala Network of Selected Noun Phrases 
(Sentences colored in subjectivity) = 0.0504
In [ ]: